Mechanical Work

We offer inexpencive work on cars, trucks, farm equipment and all small engines. Contact Us for more info!


Check out our on line portfolio. It has many projects that we have completed. Our farms serveces are very professional and broad spread. We offer services in welding, auto mechanics, care taking, salvaging and much more. More..


The War On Marijuana In Hawaii Continues

Please bare with me here for I am only one person. I have been photographing and taking videos for about 7 years now. Some of the videos are not very good but give you the general idea of how low and illegal these helicopters fly. For all of you out there not in hawaii, we are supposed to be in the lowest priority of marijuana eradication. These show differently and if you have been in this situation before you can understand how the war really feels out there even though we do nothing wrong. We are a registered farm with the state of Hawaii and have a greenhouse on the land, but regardless of what is in it, they still bomb us hard. We have made many reports of these VICE people and DEA and local cops that have been terrorizing us since the 70's.

We need your help by taking pictures and videos and submitting them to us to post or make your own site to help get this tax payer wasting war over. Right now Hawaii Law states that these choppers can be anywhere in your property as long as they are not causing property damage, not TOUCHING the land, and they are doing nothing wrong. THIS IS NOT RIGHT AMERICA!! This needs to be stopped.

Here is some of the stuff that we have already. Please help us as much as you can. If no one complains then there will never be anything done about this problem. Please America, help us not only for our freedom, invasion of privacy, but also because it costs us millions of dollars every year.